I’m Jack goodson.

It’s a pleasure.


“I don’t believe in people; I believe in their stories.

And from story to story, we all fall down.

Unless we learn to control our own narrative, strategically. Only then can stories be steps, not slides.”



From psychiatric hospitals and mental rabbit holes deeper than light can reach, to porn addiction, blackmail, years of pretending to be both other people and myself, alongside a rediscovery of the deceptive love of stories, my résumé is an ink-stained one at best.

Stuck inside myself as well as four mustard-coloured walls, I attempted to dedicate myself to the classics, to the narratives that our world adores, respects, and is ruled by. Books - novels and non-fiction - and movies - old, new, and experimental - I read and watched and read and watched and read and watched and…

I found nothing but stories of stories, how ‘great’ writers and people were always prefaced or forwarded by academics, self-proclaimed experts, historians, or other novelists, the original writer’s essence flowing to the one who writes about them, adding an air of authority to whatever they said. They became powerful and respected — simply by association. Simply by telling stories they believed to be true.

Then, I looked toward myself. A victim of people with Munchausen’s By-Proxy - and I saw it: how a story someone tells you and asserts ‘this is you’ becomes your reality.

By extension, the industries of psychology, psychiatry, and academia fell into this category of storytellers. I became disillusioned with it, with self-proclaimed figureheads telling us this is how the world is — and us all accepting it. Psychology, for all its beauty, is a story experts tell of how our minds work, simply to sustain their own expertise. Kings told stories of their God-appointed powers. The same applies here and there.

But: what if you could control this for yourself? To step outside, view yourself from new angles, to craft a narrative you want to live by? A skin you wanted to step into? An Identity you intentionally labelled as ‘I’?

I practice this each and every day. I’ve changed my name, reinvented myself, slowly, ongoingly… I live the methods that I teach.

A good question: am I just another charlatan? Just another snake-oil seller trying to get you to ‘manifest your destiny’?


But, worst come to worst, I can teach you to be one too.

And as times change and ideas shift, you’ll see how life is a series of stories, and you can tell and sell yourself in whatever way sustains and satisfies you.

Be warned: there’s an equal chance that the story of stories I’m proposing is a story.

But: doesn’t that just prove me right?

aGED 3

First memory. Falling — head-first — onto a toy metal bus, cutting my eyebrow open. Hospital ensued.

aGED 5

First clear memory. 9/11. Was building a LEGO tower in front of the TV as smoke poured from my living room’s screen.

aGED 11

Started a full-time job on antidepressants. Promoted to most senior dosage of 200mg of Sertraline within a year.

aGED 11 to 19

Mostly blank, unable to recall. A few snippets emerge…


Started writing and working for others, churning out stories, adverts, and other marketing uselessness. ‘Learning the ropes,’ as the old guard say. This writing, now lost to the not-so-digital past.


Today, as I leaf through my old medical files — I mean, my medical stories, written (and dictated) by others — I find my so-called identity in the litany of diagnoses that ‘make me: me’:

  • Depression (upgraded to Chronic, rapidly)

  • OCD (for a little while, magically disappeared, or the story lost its relevance)

  • Social Anxiety (ironically, a social problem becomes a medical one - the power of a narrative, ay?)

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (when the world feels unsafe, the narrative it pushes forces the problem back onto you. A problem of ‘adjustment’, they say)

  • Autism/Asperger’s (I disagree, continuously, for years on end, but no one listens to me. The doctors and my carers have spoken, so my voice no longer speaks of me, but of a lost me. I was a character, a puppet, not the storyteller of my own life)

  • cPTSD (no comment at present)

  • BONUS: As I began to rebel against the strategic narrative placed upon me, those who wanted to control my story tried to label me with Delusional Personality Disorder, which would invalidate anything and everything I say in the eyes of the law, the doctors, and the world. How? As who believes the madman when he says he is not mad? Only other madmen.

aGED 19

My porn addiction consumes me. Hours on end, cocooned in my room, holed up in the narrative that the industry tells us to embrace.


The addiction goes further: its ramifications catch up with me. Blackmailed over images of myself.


Mental shutdown. World closes to me. No difference between fact and fiction — it no longer matters, thus it no longer exists.

Flashes of ‘reality’ through doses of Diazepam and doctors’ rounds. Their ideas of me — a stranger to them and to myself — became my inner narrative. I live to be diagnosed, to propagate my disturbia. I play Solitaire at my desk in solitude, night after night.



Flashes of:

  1. Patients masturbating in dark doorways

  2. Being held gently hostage by a teenage scam artist, his arm wrapped around my neck

  3. Screams of a man plagued by both demons and fibromyalgia filling midnight silences

  4. Befriending the old, grey, life-long suicidally-inclined Cambridge graduate

  5. More. & More. & More.

aGED 19.25

The narrative of ‘my Aspergers’ reemerges. Told, once again, that it explains me, so it must be true. That age-old medical story of “if the shoe fits…” — yet, whose to say that Cinderella didn’t strategically lie to get the life she wanted?

I felt forced to believe. Graduated from the North London primary care hellhole to the dashing Suburbia of South London’s Bethlem Royal Hospital — the beautifully-enchanting rebranding of what you know (and love) as Bedlam.

aGED 20

I’m still here.

Pills flow through me like wine at a middle-class book club.

My connection to the ‘real’ world is cold, distant, disconnected. I establish a lifeline through literature and movies, consumed as lovingly as parental guidance.

And so I restart a childhood hobby: writing stories of my own.

aGED 21

I finish my first novel, ‘Generation Why’, a vitriolic spew of utter madness.

Yet, I’m convinced I’ll win every award known to man. The unsung genius, so I tell myself, as the adult lunch-bell rings.

Alas, no publishers bite.


Released — against my will. I have no desire to return home.

Yet, the powers that be tell me it’s the best place for me to ‘recover’.

Who am I to argue? I’m the mad one, so they say.

Yet… Life, the one flowing outside of human narratives, gave me grace: a human being I can truly trust. My partner.

And as a blessing this madman does not deserve: a step-daughter, a Bethlehemic angel to replace my Bethlem demons, who offered her love and trust when she didn’t have to.


aGED 22+

That safety gave me mental space to reflect. And I finally recognized and embraced the power of storytelling.

No, not in books. But in life.

To be able to craft one’s own narrative — in a strategic, thoughtful, intentional, (often ruthless, always creative), way — that is true power, utter control.

Strategic narratives, brands, stories, and the pulsating ‘I’ in Identities: they are what propagate the status quo but also spark revolutions.

Either way — I now guide ambitious, powerful people to craft themselves.

I am now the kingmaker, court jester, historian, and oracle, all rolled into one.

Now, aGED like fine wine

Stories shape the world.

And you and I?

We’re here to shape those stories. Your stories.

Ready to tell your tale, time and time and time again?

 Contact JaCK.

LET’S TALK // Book a 15-minute call

Bit more old-school?

EMAIL // jack@thegoodson.group LINKEDIN // Let’s connect